Friday, December 7, 2012

December Tomatoes

We've had so much rain in the past week, it's been lovely.  The hills are all green and sparkle. Rain is welcome here.  We never get much unless we have an El Niño which generally floods the hillsides away.  v tells me this year is going to be a weak El Niño pattern. We shall see.

Our little potted pointsetta from last Christmas has been coaxed along all year.  She's been nestled between the beans and tomatoes in the vegetable garden.  The leaves aren't as lush as they were when she arrived from the hothouse last Christmas, but she is lovely nevertheless.

I just took a walk out in the garden to see what has developed since the heavy rains of the past week.  We are having a morning of glorious sunshine and everything is still soaking wet.  The garden is  a mess and cries out for a little tending.

We are still  having tomatoes! It's December and we have tomatoes! Those San Marzanos will be in a sauce this evening.
The sauce I make does not necessarily require San Marzano Tomatoes, but they have such a reputation for being the best sauce tomato I planted them and I use them.  We also have a "volunteer" tomato vine out by the compost bin.  Those tomatoes are round and just as delicious in a sauce. They're also great sliced in a sandwich.

Way easier than pie tomato sauce:

2 lbs of peeled tomatoes (canned are acceptable)
1/2 stick of butter
1 medium onion cut in half 
salt to taste

Roughly chop the tomatoes and place in a saucepan with the butter and onion.  Place over low to medium heat.  Occasionally stir the sauce and gently press the tomatoes against the side, from time to time, to break them up.  Simmer, gently, for at least 40 minutes.  Salt to taste. Serve over spaghetti noodles and grate lots of parmesan cheese over it all.  

I've sometimes let this simmer for over an hour and it is fine.  It is so sweet and delicious you might just want to eat it as a soup.  I love the stewed onion, v doesn't.  It doesn't matter, it's the smooth tomato sauce that is the star. So good and so easy.

In bocca al lupo.  m & v


  1. Nice! One of these days I'll have to try that recipe.
