Monday, May 6, 2013

California Wildflowers

Last month, on a really nice spring day, v and I took a drive out to see the Mission San Antonio. One of his nurses at the chemo clinic clued us in on where to find fields of lupin and other wildflowers.  I've always loved to visit the old California Missions.  I've been to almost all of them now.  Mission San Antonio is one of the more remote.  It's also on an army base and army vehicles are frequently seen passing along the road just above the mission grounds.  The property used to be owned by William Randolph Hearst.  He sold it to the army.

There is a lot of lupin, but I hadn't seen such vast fields of California Poppies ever before.

As remote as this mission is there is a parson living there.  There is an entire section gated off for privacy, with a garden that is only open for a few hours a day to the public.

This was as close as I could get when we visited.  

The columns are much newer than the old adobe columns in front of the church

This was looking back toward the mission over the fields of lupin.

We'd been informed, before our drive, that this has been a bad year for wildflowers here.  What must it look like on a good year?

In bocca al lupo.  m & v

1 comment:

  1. What beautiful photos! As were the Farmer's Market photos, too. I think I've said it before--you just have a way of capturing light that is amazing.
