v and I volunteer at the Monterey Bay Aquarium. The mission of the aquarium is to inspire conservation of the oceans. Volunteers speak to thousands of people every week. Over one million school children have visited the aquarium through school field trips at no cost to the schools or families. We meet people from every continent and we see the impact that the aquarium has on these people.
This afternoon at the Kelp Forest exhibit I met a man and his wife who are visiting from India. At the end of our conversation about the variety of animals living within the kelp beds he looked up through the thirty foot high stands of kelp on display with the rock fish floating motionless amongst the leaves, the sharks swimming in and out, and the schools of anchovies and sardines flashing silver in the sunlight. He looked back at me and said that there is so much life on this earth that we do not see. "It is humbling", he said.
I am embedding a link to a video from the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute about
Trash in the deep sea. Small changes can make a big difference in the future of the oceans. One change that can start immediately is to reduce our use of single-use plastics. Carry water in refillable bottles. The aquarium has installed a bottle refilling station for people to replenish their water supply. Ask your employers, schools, and shopping malls to install refill stations. Reduce the need to buy all those small, plastic bottles of water that take up so much room in your home.
In bocca al lupo. m & v
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