Tuesday, September 25, 2012

A Morning Walk Along Cannery Row

We took a walk down Cannery Row one early morning recently.  Delivery and work trucks were everywhere giving the impression that the canneries were up in full swing.  It's restaurants, cafes, and plush hotels now.  The Clement Monterey, pictured above is the latest. It is a beautiful place and it is right next door to the Monterey Bay Aquarium which makes it a great place for us to unwind after a shift and enjoy some of their delicious small plates for a light supper.  It is restful, open, light, and airy.  

Bike rentals are ready along the walk.  The recreation trail runs for miles along the old small gauge railway route.  It hugs the harbor and edges the bay.

Out on the bay restaurants sit atop the old cannery foundations.

Just a peek at an upper deck of the aquarium next to a shed at the back of Pacific Biological Laboratories, Ed Ricketts old lab.

This is the best time for kayaking on the bay. The skies are clear, the air is warm, and the crowds are lighter.  The kelp has been plentiful this year, so abundant marine life is there to be observed.  It has been a very good whale sighting season as well.  

Another reminder that we are living in paradise, how good is that?

In bocca al lupo.  m & v