Monday, September 3, 2012

Hello/Good-bye to Summer

Labor Day weekend used to be so bittersweet. School would be starting Tuesday and we would all say good-bye to summer. Growing up in Southern California meant we would collect scrap wood and haul it to the beach. There were big concrete fire rings all along the shore where we'd build our bonfires.  We'd spend the daylight hours alternately swimming, surfing, or just splashing in the water, building sand castles, and lying in the sun refining our summer tan before classrooms would render us pale again. 

As the sun set we would light the fires and enjoy watching the flames and talk the evening away about our dreams for the future.

Well the future is here and summer doesn't end with Labor Day any more.  In fact, living on the Central Coast, there's a good argument that summer is just beginning. The garden is getting more sun and warmth than it's had for the past several weeks and the tomatoes are finally showing up ripe and sweet.  The green beans have to be picked daily, and we're given armloads of corn from our friends who planted earlier than we did.  It is finally warm enough to sit outside in the early evening and enjoy a glass of wine and conversation carried on the breeze.  And we still while away the time talking about our dreams for the future.  

Summer: when all things are possible.

In bocca al lupo. m & v


  1. Nice post! And photo! As always.

  2. Ah, I love the delicacy of this one. Reminds me very much of the Japanese esthetic. Summer is a-coming' in. Finally.
    L., m-e
