Wednesday, November 14, 2012


I'm tossing in a quick new post here.  I've just spotted something that may be obvious to my one or two readers: I'm beginning to repeat myself!  I'm not stressed! I'm not stressed! I'm not stressed! Maybe a little tired.  

No update (what? not again?).  We're fine. And there will be no test at the end of the week.

We have wrapped up our visit from r. It was a delight! We dropped her at the airport in San Jose and she texted that she landed safely at about the time we were finally stepping across our own threshold--she lives near Portland, Oregon, but sadly, not in Portland.  That would be sad for us, she's content.

So, now the spare room has morphed back into my workroom/storeroom and I have no excuse not to get back to the happy process of making things and getting ready for the holidays.  I have orders to fill, for which I'm quite grateful.  

I've just discovered another great site which, apparently, millions already are aware of: Smitten Kitchen.  I will add it to the links list.  I've finally fixed the link with another charming blog: Fridays at the Museum.  So check them out, you two!

I'm feeling silly today... I guess I just slept too much!  Maybe it's the blustery day gathering out the windows.  October and November are my favorite months.  There really is just something in the air. Isn't this just the best time of year to cook those lovely, savory recipes?  When you get a chance in the late afternoon to nestle down in a chair, a blanket tossed over your lap, and with just the best book to read?
Oh, and with technology: sitting in that chair, with said blanket, knitting and listening to the best book. 
Oh Heaven! Oh Home! 

In bocca al lupo.  m & v 


  1. Another post I missed. I don't know how I miss them, since I try to check daily! Glad all went well with your visit, but you knew that. And thanks for the fixed link.

    1. Thank you, Gentle Reader, your comments are always welcome. And, I must add, I'm glad there is still some surprises left in me! m
