Thursday, November 1, 2012


Today goes well.  We are four days away from a break from the chemo and v is doing pretty well, really.  He's become very thin, and sometimes he sleeps more than he's awake.  But lately he's begun to have more energy.  We dare to be, cautiously, optimistic.  

Outings are a big deal now.  Once a week we visit a friend of ours at his home in Cachagua, a remote, hilly region above Carmel Valley.  The winding road that leads to his home is bordered by moss draped live oaks and sycamores in their full autumn glory.  Sometimes the turn in the road reveals vast vistas of fog shrouded hills, or brilliant blue sky.  

Tuesdays we enjoy the Farmers' Market on Alvarado Street in Monterey and sometimes a drive along the bay and ocean.  This past Tuesday v wanted to go to Carmel for a coffee and a drive along their scenic coast road.

Sometimes there is nothing better than to sit in my chair with a cat in my lap and my knitting while listening to some of our favorite shows on the radio.  We love public radio and our local station plays beautiful classical music four nights a week. Tonight a favorite: Musica della Sera.

Symphony season has opened, as I mentioned a couple of posts back.  We look forward to each month's concert.  In December we go to San Juan Bautista to see the pageant put on by Teatro Campesino at the old mission.  They alternate with La Virgen de Tepayac  and La Pastorela. Both pageants are glorious and colorful and magical.  Sometimes we attend the Christmas concert at the Carmel Mission as well.  Monterey puts on Christmas in the Adobes.  Many of the old adobes of Monterey get decorated for Christmas and volunteers entertain with dancing, music, and sometimes actors who represent Robert Louis Stevenson and General Tecumsah Sherman, both men having spent some time in Monterey during their lifetimes.  

So, this is how we light up the darker time of the year. Clocks back this weekend! 

I hope everyone had a great Halloween. We had our handful of Trick or Treaters.  I always wish there were more.

In bocca al lupo.  m & v


  1. Oh, somehow I had missed your last two posts! You have such a beautiful, peaceful way of writing, very soothing. I hope you find your own solace in the creating, not to mention when you take your photographs. Each one evokes such a story, all on it's own.
    Best to you, and of course, and always, to V.

    1. What a really nice thing to say. I do appreciate it. m
