Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Sunrise in Moss Landing

We needed to do something different for a change of pace.  v has been having a very hard time with the chemo this round.  He has five days of pills left before his week's break.  A CT scan is scheduled for Thursday and we hope so much that the cancer has gone into remission so he can stop having to take all those pills.  He'll still have to have the infusions, but only one, instead of three, medications every three weeks.  

So, what did we do that was different?  We arose before dawn and headed out with the camera in search of a location to photograph. We ended up in Moss Landing at sunrise.  It was cold.  34 degrees F.  For the Central Coast of California that is really cold.

We watched the little tug pull the barge with the crane on it across the channel.  I can't really tell you what else they were doing.  It looked as though they transferred one, fairly small, piece of equipment onto a boat.  In the background is the Moss Landing PG&E plant that provides our electricity.  Behind the plant is the Elkhorn Slough.

We met a few other hardy souls out walking their dogs.  I think some folks live on their boats here.  It would be fun for a while, I think.  I'd enjoy being rocked to sleep.  And then there is that thought of just pulling up the anchor and heading off to another local.

This is one that v took a liking to.  A little spare for me, and possibly in need of too much TLC.

Phil's Fish Market is a local landmark.  During business hours this place is always busy.  Moss Landing is a small seaside town, but it is right on Hwy 1.  It's a favorite stop for tourists, MBARI and the Moss Landing Marine Laboratory are right along the same stretch (well, face it, it's the only stretch).  There are still a few funky residences but it looks like a small artists colony is sprouting.

There are far more boats than buildings in Moss Landing.  I noticed many boats are registered in San Francisco.

It is a tranquil spot for a spur of the moment sunrise ramble.

In bocca al lupo.  m & v

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