Saturday, April 27, 2013

Morning Coffee

So far so good, this morning.  We are moving slowly.  Coffee and the newspaper after breakfast.  I get to play with my new camera (a BIG learning curve).  Easy supper is already planned, we're having potato salad.  I picked up some nice baby potatoes at the farmers' market.  They are all different colors.  They are boiled, the eggs are cooling and the rest of the ingredients aren't aware of their fate as of yet.

V presented his pillow to me after he awoke to find quite a bit of hair remaining on it after his head had left it.  What can we do?  His hair is falling out.  As much as we hoped he would be one of the rare people receiving his type of chemo who do not lose their hair, he is not one of them.  We have caps and hats at the ready.  I have one on the needles as I write.  It needs a little backtracking.  I made a mistake somewhere.  But, it will be finished soon and it is of the softest blend of wool and silk and it's from Italy, as is v!  He has his energy and that is what I am most thankful for today.

Tomorrow is the Big Sur Marathon.  What a great spectacle.  If I were a runner I would run that race.  There cannot be a more beautiful venue.  Unfortunately, because of the race, Highway 1, south of Carmel will be closed.  That means we can't get to church. As much as this would be a great day off, it also signals our beloved Father Bill's last day this season.  He won't be back until November!  We dropped by to bid him farewell, yesterday.  I'm not a Catholic (v...) but this man is the most genuine, kind, wise, and sweet pastor anyone could look for.  It's a long stretch before November.

So, as I'd hoped for last evening; we have a free day to relax and put our feet up, or take them to the garden (maybe the library and a coffee later....maybe...).  Ah! here comes the sun!

In bocca al lupo.  m & v


  1. Very nice. I love the coffee cup photo. It just seems so homey and comforting in a way. Your whole blog feels that way.

    1. My goal, though not always successful, is to create a comfortable environment. Thank you for telling me I have succeeded for you. m

  2. Potato salad, one of my all time favorites. Very
    important question: how do you make sure that the hard boiled eggs peel easily? I've tried many ways, and none works. I don't peel mine right away, they wait for me for a day or more.

    1. I leave mine in the cold water I shock them with after cooking. After an hour, or so, I just bang them against the side of the sink until they're cracked all over and slip off the shell. m
