Saturday, September 8, 2012

Pacific Grove

This afternoon we decided to take our supper on the road. We packed our thermos with soup, picked up a baguette and wine at the market and headed for the coast.  The light was so delightful as we passed through this little neighborhood in Pacific Grove I stopped and took some photos.  We love the houses throughout this little town that calls itself "America's Last Hometown".  Originally Pacific Grove was a Methodist summer camp, but it didn't take long for the campers to decide this would be a perfect place to live year round so they built permanent structures at their campsites. 

 Many of the homes bear plaques announcing the name of the original resident.

In July Pacific Grove puts on the annual Feast of Lanterns festival.  Many homes decorate their porches and gardens with colorful lanterns.  

The town, situated at the point of the peninsula, is no longer a Methodist retreat.  It is a charming seaside town with a wide variety of year round residents. Each neighborhood is a delightful mix of architecture and color, we just wanted to share this one with you.

In bocca al lupo. m & v 


  1. P.G. is a lovely little town. Seems safe and sane, doesn't it? Well, it is, I think. I wonder if they get about the same amount of overcast days as we do here in Salias...?

  2. P.G. is great, I think the stories of the fog are slightly exaggerated to keep out the faint hearted. I'd say you were neck and neck. m:)
