Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Home by the Sea

Back on chemo for another two week run.  Good news is that v has gained weight and  is making red blood cells.  His symptoms have lessened, some having disappeared.  We continue to remain cautious.  We continue to remain surrounded with amazing outpourings of support and love from our friends and associates.  

These pictures are from a getaway we took last spring.  This is Cayucos, near Morro Bay, the day after a dramatic electrical storm.  It's a very small beach community with a long flat sandy beach.  Everyone we met had a story about the hundreds of lightning strikes and what they were doing during the storm.  It was the most excitement the little town had experienced in years.  The waves still appeared to be charged and one can wonder what the stories would have been from underneath...

I can't imagine ever living far from the sea.  I grew up with it, with the sound and the smell of it.  I've fallen in love with other places, Santa Fe, Flagstaff, New Hope...but when I have nearly decided to relocate I am pulled home to the sea.  I've never lived more than an hour away from the crash and roar of the waves, or the salty fog that leaves its rime along glass and crevices. Even v has nearly always lived a coastal existence. Born in Genoa, brought to Connecticut, and landing along the Central Coast where he says it feels like what home felt like to him in Italy.

In bocca al lupo.  m & v

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