Thursday, January 10, 2013

A Day in The City

Yesterday we drove to Golden Gate Park and visited the deYoung Museum.  A favorite get away for us. We were delighted to see a few winter roses hanging on in the rose garden.

Another favorite spot for me is Britex Fabrics between Geary and Maiden Lane just off Union Square. Four stories of bliss. 

Home now with our feet up.

In bocca al lupo.  m & v


  1. Looks like it was a wonderful day! I'd love to see Britex! I wonder if there are any in the Atlanta area?

    1. It was, thank you. Sorry, Britex is unique to San Francisco. It has been in the same family since opening in 1952

  2. I loved the delicate beauty of the roses, they're so brave in the middle of winter, they're inspiring...
    I so want to visit Britex one of these days. I need some all cotton, all rayon, or a blend of those fabrics. I wonder if they have all cotton chenille? I'll go to your link. Hugs, m-e
